Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1760.11.06

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Index Entry Drums, in lyric [beg] Nine taylors make a man, the proverb says 
Location London 
6 Nov 1760:11 (809)
London, August 14.  We are informed that the greatest part
of the corps under General Elliot, who distinguished
themselves so gallantly, are Taylors!  It must be confessed,
that the Taylors have now wiped off the vulgar imputation of
effeminacy, and shown themselves to be brave Men.
  Epigram on the foregoing paragraph.
Nine taylors make a man, the proverb says,
But this was only in more ancient days:
In these our times, invert the rule before ye,
The French destroy'd, proclaims the taylor's glory.
His bodkin in his hand a sword become,
His parchment measures head the sounding drums;
His goose become a skull-cap, wrought more rare;
His shreds are feathers, waving in the air;
His thimble lengthen'd, to a musket turns;
His yard the rammer, and his courage burns;
His needle pricks the touch hole; brave, not rich,
He with his work makes quite a thorough stitch:
His heart unfolds, no danger can him quell,
And 'stead of cabbage, Frenchmen sends to H--ll.
Thus nobly arm'd, deny it he who can,
A Taylor now becomes a complete man.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1760.11.06 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0019290
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